Realizing a Mental Revolution through Astabratha Belief as a Fraud-Neutral Detector
Mental Revolution, Astabratha Belief, Self, and Fraud-NeutralAbstract
This study aims to realize a mental revolution in the individual through astabratha belief as an effort to achieve fraud-neutral character. The belief is based that the initial occurrence of fraud comes from the mental self. This mentality is formed by teaching the human self-character through the local wisdom genius astabratha which is broken down into eight (asta) character traits. This research uses a qualitative approach with ethnographic studies to reveal the implementing culture of metal astabratha characteristics. The results of study show that fraud comes from self-character which can be prevented by growing eight characters, namely earth, fire, water, wind, sky, sun, moon and stars. These eight characters are manifested through mental self (pangawikan pribadi) to understand actions. This achievement is the result of a movement (response) to persistently reject fraudulent activities through creative, non-authoritarianism, thinking about difficulties and self-afflictions, self-safety and freeing people from suffering and worries, and finally achieving the noble goals of human life. As a result of an embodiment of self-awareness, there is no longer any desire to commit fraud, as well as awareness and behavior culture to feel peaceful in dealing with other people. This mental consistency leads to fraud neutrality as a form of moral integrity for pride, honor and self-esteem.References
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